National Register of Historic Places Questionnaire
The National Register and the State Register of Historic Places honor properties significant in American history, architecture, archaeology, engineering, and culture. A property is listed in the registers after a nomination documenting its historic significance is approved by the Wisconsin Historic Preservation Review Board, the State Historic Preservation Officer and the National Park Service.
How to Request a Preliminary Evaluation of Eligibility for the National Register
National Register nominations are complex technical documents that require extensive research. Before you decide to invest substantial time and energy to prepare a nomination, we recommend that you request a preliminary evaluation of the property's eligibility for listing in the National Register. To request an evaluation, submit the Nomination Questionnaire form below with recent photographs. Your materials will not be returned to you. Division staff will evaluate the property and will provide a preliminary opinion of eligibility based on the information submitted and the staff's experience with the National Register and State Register criteria and procedures. You may decide to prepare a nomination even though the Division's staff recommends that the property is not eligible.
National Register Questionnaire
(PDF, 443 KB) Updated May 2023
What You Should Know Before You Proceed with a Nomination
Because of the complexity of preparing a nomination, we recommend that you hire an experienced nomination preparer to complete a nomination that will meet state and federal standards. A list of nomination preparers is available. It is the responsibility of the sponsors of nominations to submit the necessary forms, photographs, and maps. Nomination preparation requires the ability to describe architectural features, write a historical analysis, and closely adhere to rigorous technical instructions; skills which most first time preparers find very difficult to master.
National Register and State Register forms are available to those who choose not to hire a preparer and prepare a nomination themselves. The Wisconsin State Historic Preservation Office offers the Wisconsin Supplementary Manual to explain the format and materials required for acceptable nominations in Wisconsin.
Important Information about Rehabilitation Tax Credits
Owners of properties listed in the National Register of Historic Places may be eligible to apply for rehabilitation tax credits. If you are interested in applying for tax credits, please read carefully our articles about Tax Credits for Historic Building Rehabilitation. Depending on the type of building and the proposed project, you may need to complete other forms instead of this questionnaire.
Learn More
Information for Preservation Consultants and Archaeologists
National Register and State Register of Historic Places
Have Questions
Contact Leah Penzkover by phone at 608-261-9582 or by email below: