Historic Preservation and Archaeological Consultants
The State Historic Preservation Office maintains these lists of consultants as a public service. Inclusion on the list is not an endorsement of any specific individual, company or organization. Please read each document carefully to learn how each list is created and maintained.
Architecture and History Consultants
List of Architecture and History Consultants (PDF, 295 KB) UPDATED July 2024
This is a list of individuals who have independently prepared at least one complete National Register of Historic Places nomination approved by the Wisconsin State Historic Preservation Review Board during the past two years. Consultants who have prepared nominations in other states may request to be placed on the list by the State Historic Preservation Office.
For questions, contact Ian Gort at 608-264-6502 or ian.gort@wisconsinhistory.org.
Archaeological Consultants
List of Archaeological Consultants (PDF, 211 KB) UPDATED December 2024
This is a list of archaeologists who have indicated interest in conducting archaeological research in Wisconsin on a contractual basis. They have certified that they are qualified archaeologists under the Secretary of Interior’s professional qualification standards. This list is not inclusive. There may be other qualified individuals or organizations that have not requested inclusion on the list.
For questions, contact the Office of State Archaeologist at 608-264-6494 or statearchaeologist@wisconsinhistory.org
Archaeologists for Human Burial Sites
List of Archaeologists Approved to Excavate Burial Sites (PDF, 146 KB) UPDATED September 2024
As required by Wis. Stats. § 157.70(1) (i) and HS 2.04(6), the following list contains archaeologists approved by the Director of the Wisconsin Historical Society to excavate human burial sites. These archaeologists have agreed to provide consulting services to prospective clients. You can find more information about how to apply for approval here.
For questions, contact the burial sites coordinator at 608-264-6494 or burialsites@wisconsinhistory.org.
Skeletal Analysts
List of Qualified Skeletal Analysts (PDF, 138 KB) UPDATED September 2024
As required by Wis. Stats. directory of individuals approved by the Director of the Wisconsin Historical Society to analyze human remains. You can find more information about how to apply for approval here.
For questions, contact the burial sites coordinator at 608-264-6464 or burialsites@wisconsinhistory.org.
Learn More
Information for Preservation Consultants and Archaeologists
How to Become a Qualified Archaeologist for Burial Sites or a Qualified Skeletal Analyst