Hours | Wisconsin Historical Society

General Information


For Headquarters, Library, Archives and Program Offices

Hours | Wisconsin Historical Society

 COVID-19 Information

To protect your safety and ours, if you are not feeling well please plan to visit us at another time.

General Information

The Wisconsin Historical Society's headquarters building (map) is located on Library Mall of the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus. We are free and open to the public.

Wisconsin Historical Society
816 State Street
Madison, WI 53706

Library & Archives

Library Reading RoomM - TH: 8 AM -7 PM | F: 8 AM - 5 PM | Sat: 9 AM - 4 PM | Closed Sundays
Archives Reading Room: M - F: 8 AM - 5 PM | Sat: 9 AM - 4 PM | Closed Sundays
For information on exceptions to our hours (e.g. for holidays and private events) please review our Scheduled Closures


In addition to our in person services, we also provide a number of virtual services including:


Contact our Library and Archives staff at 608-264-6535 or by email below:

Historic Preservation Office 

Our hours are Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm, appointments are strongly recommended but not required.
For information on exceptions to our hours (e.g. for holidays and private events) please review our Scheduled Closures

To schedule an appointment:

All appointment requests must be accompanied by a full list of requested materials. Access to files and scheduling is subject to staff availability. 

For all other services visit us at wisconsinhistory.org/hp or email your request to askshpo@wisconsinhistory.org

Scheduled Closures

The chart below reflects our typical schedule for when the Library's hours are shortened, and when the Library and Archives are closed for holidays and other events. This schedule may change without notice. Before traveling to Madison to use our collections, please call 608-264-6534 to confirm operating hours.

DateChange to ScheduleReason

January 2-17

Library Closes at 5:00

UW Winter Break

January 18-20

Building Closed

M.L. King Day

March 24-28

Library Closes at 5:00

UW Spring Break

May 24-26Building ClosedMemorial Day
July 4-6Building ClosedIndependence Day
Aug 30-Sep 1Building ClosedLabor Day
November 26Library Closes at 5:00Day before Thanksgiving
November 27Building ClosedThanksgiving