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Republican Ticket
Presidential candidate: WARREN G. HARDING, Ohio Senator
VP candidate: CALVIN COOLIDGE, Massachusetts Governor
Popular votes: 16,151,916 (60.3%)
Electoral votes: 404
Democratic Ticket
Presidential candidate: James M. Cox, Ohio Governor
VP candidate: Franklin D. Roosevelt, Assistant Secretary of the Navy
Popular votes: 9,134,074 (34.1%)
Electoral votes: 127
1920 US Electoral Map: How each state voted. Wisconsin's Choice: Harding.

Election Facts

  • Republican victory in this "election by disgust" resulted from Wilson's unpopularity following World War I.
  • Both parties were internally divided about such issues as Prohibition, agricultural policies, and the League of Nations.
  • This was the first election after the 19th Amendment was enacted, which granted women the right to vote.
Warren G. Harding, 1920.
WHI 23790
Republican National Convention, Chicago, June 1920. Chicago Historical Society.
WHI 56908