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Democratic Ticket
Presidential candidate: GROVER CLEVELAND, former President
VP candidate: ADLAI E. STEVENSON, former Illinois Congressman
Popular votes: 5,554,617 (46.0%)
Electoral votes: 277
Republican Ticket
Presidential candidate: Benjamin Harrison, President
VP candidate: Whitelaw Reid, Minister to France
Popular votes: 5,186,793 (43.0%)
Electoral votes: 145
Populist Ticket
Presidential candidate: James B. Weaver, former Iowa Congressman
VP candidate: James G. Field, former Virginia Attorney General
Popular votes: 1,024,280 (8.5%)
Electoral votes: 22
1892 US Electoral Map: How each state voted. Wisconsin's Choice: Cleveland.

Election Facts

  • This election was a rehash of the 1888 election with the same two presidential candidates clashing over tariff policy. The outcome, though, was different.
  • Cleveland won with the support of voters upset about the inflation caused by high tariffs, especially in the farm belt.
  • Cleveland became the only president to return to office after an absence.
Pro-Harrison political cartoon. Frank Leslie's "Illustrated Weekly," August 11, 1892.
WHI 56959
Benjamin Harrison.
WHI 28265