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Democratic Ticket
Presidential candidate: GROVER CLEVELAND, New York Governor
VP candidate: THOMAS HENDRICKS, former Indiana Governor
Popular votes: 4,915,586 (48.9%)
Electoral votes: 219
Republican Ticket
Presidential candidate: James G. Blaine, former Secretary of State
VP candidate: John Logan, Illinois Senator
Popular votes: 4,852,916 (48.2%)
Electoral votes: 182
1884 US Electoral Map: How each state voted. Wisconsin's Choice: Blaine.

Election Facts

  • Cleveland launched a campaign that educated voters about party positions through pamphlets and meetings.
  • Blaine launched a negative campaign to fuel a fear of Democrats and make a scandal of Cleveland's fathering an illegitimate child.
  • Blaine made political blunders that cost him votes.
Grover Cleveland.
WHI 8104
Milwaukee delegates to the Democratic National Convention, Chicago, July 10, 1884.
WHI 56914
The Blaine headquarters at the Republican National Convention, Chicago, 1884.
WHI 56916
James G. Blaine, 1884.
WHI 56935