Guide or Instruction
Chapter 10: Preservation Community Relationships
Table of Contents
Page 1: Taking a Proactive Approach to Community Relations
Commissions that adopt a proactive approach to community relationships and education will benefit by avoiding or minimizing controversy in their decision-making process.Page 2: Encouraging Public Participation in Historic Preservation
Preservation commissions should encourage public participation in its work as much as possible. A commission that readily welcomes the participation of the public will be more easily accepted and supported throughout the community.Page 3: Working with Government Agencies
Commission members will need to work with many departments in their local government. Members should get to know people in local offices and become familiar with the work that these departments do.Page 4: Working with Local Preservation Groups
Local non-profit organizations play a critical role in the success of community preservation. Therefore, commission members need to develop a good relationship with these groups to be effective in maximizing preservation.Page 5: Creating Local Preservation Incentives
An effective way to encourage preservation of local historic buildings is to offer incentives for preservation efforts. A variety of incentives can be developed at the local level.