Early settlers in Linn Township took care to educate youth, building slab school on site of Locust Grove | Newspaper Article/Clipping | Wisconsin Historical Society

Newspaper Article/Clipping

Early settlers in Linn Township took care to educate youth, building slab school on site of Locust Grove

Wisconsin Local History and Biography Articles
Early settlers in Linn Township took care to educate youth, building slab school on site of Locust Grove | Newspaper Article/Clipping | Wisconsin Historical Society
Headline:Early settlers in Linn Township took care to educate youth, building slab school on site of Locust Grove
Main Heading:Education
Sub Heading:Public Schools
Article Date:1921-06-30
Newspaper:Lake Geneva News
Gaffney, Thomas
Elliott, Alice
Collection:Wisconsin Local History and Biographical Articles (WLHBA) Collection
Location:Wisconsin Historical Society Library, 2nd floor, Madison, Wisconsin

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Wisconsin Historical Society. Wisconsin Local History & Biography Articles; "Newspaper"; "City", "State"; "Article Date"; viewed online at https://www.wisconsinhistory.org on [insert today's date here]

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