Purchase Copies from the Library-Archives | Wisconsin Historical Society

General Information

Purchasing Copies

Purchase Copies from the Library-Archives | Wisconsin Historical Society

See the Society's policies and procedures for purchasing copies by selecting from the menu below.

Copy Requests

Most Library and Archives materials may be copied unless their physical condition or legal constraints prohibit it. We reserve the right to deny copying of materials. Rare, fragile, and large format items such as bound newspapers may not be copied. Most other printed or microform items may be copied.

Researchers who cannot visit the Library-Archives may order copies by e-mail or letter. We do not accept orders by phone. In your request, please be sure to include a specific reference to title, author and page numbers for library materials; and collection title, call number, box and folder number (if known) for archival materials. Copies may be delivered as a PDF or mailed as photocopies. Normal turn-around time is approximately two to four weeks, but may be longer.

Email requests can be sent to:

Please note: Requests that do not include a specific reference to title, author and page numbers will be treated as requests for research assistance. The Library and Archives can only provide limited research service and we reserve the right to turn down research requests on a case-by-case basis.

List of Fees

The Library-Archives can only provide limited research assistance to those who cannot visit the Historical Society. If you need assistance conducting your research, please contact us, and we will advise you regarding whether we can undertake the work. 

WI Residents
Out of State
Copies ordered by mail or email$10 Service Charge per order* plus 25¢/page$15 Service Charge per order* plus 25¢/page$20 Service Charge per order* plus 25¢/page
Sound Recordings$10 Service Charge plus $20/hour of original audio, choice of CD or MP3 file$15 Service Charge plus $20/hour of original audio, choice of CD or MP3 file$20 Service Charge plus $20/hour of original audio, choice of CD or MP3 file

*Orders for extensive copying (more than 300 pages) may incur additional charges.

Special Fees

WI Residents
Out of State
Rush Fee: within 7 working days$25 in addition to all other fees$25 in addition to all other fees$25 in addition to all other fees
Document Certification$10 in addition to all other fees$10 in addition to all other fees$10 in addition to all other fees

Purchasing Copies of Pre-1907 Vital Records
The Society provides copies of birth, death, and marriage registrations, compiled Civil War service records and biographical information. These records are searchable from our Research Your Family History page, and may be ordered directly through an online store. For assistance with the online index please email historydocs@wisconsinhistory.org 

WI Residents
Out of State
Pre-1907 Birth, Marriage and Death Records10% discount$15 per record$15 per record
Civil War Service Records10% discount$20 per name searched$20 per name searched
Wisconsin Name Index (Biographical Information)10% discount$15 per record provided$15 per record provided

Methods of Payment

Credit card (Visa or MasterCard) payment is preferred and is required for international orders. If you are unable or unwilling to pay via credit card, contact staff to discuss other methods of payment. Staff will provide instructions about payment via email, but questions about fees can be directed to reference staff 608-264-6535 (library) or 608-264-6460 (archives).

On-Site Copying / Self-Service Copying

In the Archives: 

We do allow the use of digital photography in the archives.  Researchers wanting to take photos should bring their own equipment and must agree to our reference photography agreement before taking any photographs. 

In the Library: 

Visitors may use self-service machines to copy printed materials and microforms or save images to a flash drive. Copies cost ($.07) whether from printed materials or microforms. Saving images to a flash drive is free. Copiers do not operate with cash but rather with a Wiscard. Non-UW Madison guests may obtain a guest copy card from the reference desk.

Microfilm Sales

Due to staff limitations, the Wisconsin Historical Society Microfilm Reproductions Lab is not currently accepting new orders. We are working through existing orders as quickly as possible. Questions regarding the status of orders can be directed to askwhsdc@wisconsinhistory.org.


The Historical Society can make digital and print reproductions of photographs and other visual materials in our holding. The Society's holdings contain millions of photographs, of which 

90,000 photos, drawings, paintings and other materials are available for purchasing and viewing online at Visual Materials in Our Collections.

If you are interested in images not currently available on our website, we will conduct limited research into our holdings. More extensive research assistance may be possible on a case-by-case basis by contacting the visual archives. Normal turn-around time is approximately two to four weeks, but may be longer. 

Contact the visual archives by email: askwhsdc@wisconsinhistory.org.

Learn More

Have Questions?

Contact our Library and Archives staff at 608-264-6535 or by email below: