Contributor Guidelines | Wisconsin Historical Society

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Contributor Guidelines

How To Submit Manuscripts to Wisconsin Magazine of History

Contributor Guidelines | Wisconsin Historical Society

About Wisconsin Magazine of History

The Wisconsin Magazine of History publishes widely in the history, biography and culture of Wisconsin. We welcome manuscripts that present fresh topics or shed new light on older ones. Recent topics have ranged from a wheelman's ride across Wisconsin in the 19th century to collecting Civil Rights manuscripts in the 1960s.

The Society helps people connect to the past by collecting, preserving and sharing stories. We invite manuscripts that help fulfill that mission: ones that inform readers about our sense of place, how we live and work, who we are as a people and our heritage of shared experience in the state.

Manuscripts for Wisconsin Magazine of History

Manuscripts should include:

  • A strong narrative component
  • A clear focus
  • Very little jargon
  • Interesting and useful illustrations
  • Citations that follow the "Chicago Manual of Style" (16th edition) format, as outlined in our WHS Style Guidelines

The magazine does not, as a rule, publish genealogy or narrowly construed local history.

We are currently accepting short memoir of 1,500 words or fewer as well as short profiles and history shorts of 750 words or fewer.

Feature article manuscripts must be carefully researched original writing, include endnotes and range in length from 3,000 – 4,500 words. 

How to Submit a Manuscript

  1. Complete the Article Submission Form (DOC, 750 KB)
  2. Email the submission form along with your manuscript to:

Learn More

Have Questions?

Contact Sara Phillips, Editor of Wisconsin Magazine of History, by phone at 608-264-6549 or by email below: