Plan a School-Level Event: Part 3 | NHD in Wisconsin | Wisconsin Historical Society

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How to Plan a School-Level NHD Event: Part 3: After the Event

National History Day in Wisconsin

Plan a School-Level Event: Part 3 | NHD in Wisconsin | Wisconsin Historical Society

This is Part 3 of a 3-part series to help familiarize you with the judging process and planning a History Day event. The three parts are: Getting Started, Day of the Event, After the Event.

A school event is an excellent way to show the school in a positive manner and demonstrate student achievement. The specific organization and details of your school event will be determined by the needs of your classroom and school.

Part 3: After the Event

Yay! Your event is over! Now what?

Register and Prepare for the Regional Contest

Distribute information to regional finalists about the event, including registration forms. Discuss deadlines and required materials. Let students know if they should submit the materials to the regional coordinator themselves or return them to you to turn in as a school.

Send Thank You Letters

Thank your judges, volunteers, sponsors, administrators, and other people who helped make the event possible.

Send Event Results to Local Media

If your local papers or news organizations were not able to be present at the event, contact them with event results. It can be another way to get attention for your school and your students. Use our sample press release for ideas on what you might want to include.

Plan for Next Year

Enthusiasm for the History Day program is high right after the event. Plan a date for the following year's competition and consider including this in each judge thank you note. Be sure to keep the contact information (email and mailing addresses) of your judges for the future!

Budgeting for Next Year

As you look toward next year, you may want to consider adding wishlist items for your parent teacher organization to fund. Books, guides, DVDs and exhibit boards are available for purchase from many resources.

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