Electronic Records Day: Software Tutorials
In the spirit of Electronic Records Day, the Wisconsin Historical Society’s Electronic Records Team created three e-records software tutorials. The tutorials are intended as a tool for state records officers and others tasked with digital records management. They offer instruction on the use of software and command line tools, along with ideas for how to implement those tools to the user’s advantage.
These tutorials were created as a part of a National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC) supported grant project.
Tutorial 1: Renaming Files
This tutorial provides instruction on batch file renaming via a software called Advanced Renamer. It assits with file reorganization and the implementation of naming conventions.
Tutorial 2: Batch Copy Files
This tutorial covers copying and/or moving large numbers of files using two different software tools: TeraCopy and Robocopy. It facilitates file organization while taking file integrity and date preservation into account.
Tutorial 3: File Inventory and Location by Date
This tutorial details how to run a file inventory on any computer directory and how to group the files in that inventory by last modified date. This aids in locating files that are at the end of their retention period or that need to be migrated to a new format.