N 88 W 16672 MAIN ST | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society

Property Record

N 88 W 16672 MAIN ST

Architecture and History Inventory
N 88 W 16672 MAIN ST | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society
Other Name:Serv-U Pharmacy
Contributing: Yes
Reference Number:8096
Location (Address):N 88 W 16672 MAIN ST
City:Menomonee Falls
Unincorporated Community:
Quarter Section:
Quarter/Quarter Section:
Year Built:1867
Survey Date:1984
Historic Use:general store
Architectural Style:Italianate
Structural System:
Wall Material:Cream Brick
Other Buildings On Site:
Demolished Date:
National/State Register Listing Name: Main Street Historic District
National Register Listing Date:9/21/1988
State Register Listing Date:1/1/1989
National Register Multiple Property Name:Multiple Resources of Menominee Falls
Additional Information:Builder was Adam Ploss. Evalinah Bancroft, mother of Elizabeth Van Vechten, purchased this building in 1868 and died in 1895. The building housed a general store until 1941. Coates and Ostrander ran the business from about 1867-1870. From 1870-1885, two of their former clerks, John Seabold and John Vollard, assumed the business. The store also served as a post office from 1869, when Coates was appointed postmaster, and 1885 when Seabold relinquished the position. In 1885, John Seabold sold the store to Lorenz Debus, who was joined by Morris A. Schmoyer and Frederick Nehs in 1886. Nehs sold his interest in 1887 to J.L. Schlafer, who, in turn, sold it to Edward Puebles. Upon Debus' death in 1895, Schmoyer ran the business with two new partners, Edward Stark and Martin Held. Around 1907, Schmoyer began a men's wear business. He moved what he then called the "Annex" into the new adjacent Mace Block in 1909. Van Vechten died in 1908, and the the "block" was by 1910 transferred to G.A. Mace. By 1909, Martin Held was joined by George Held and Fred Gumm, previous proprietors of another east side store. It was thus operated as the "Held and Gumm Store" and prior to 1921 as the "Held Cash Store", until 1941. After 1941, it housed the Wagner Drugstore, which later became Lohmiller's Drugstore. BRACKETED CORNICE. Corner entry and plate glass windows replaced the original seven bay Main St. facade which had a central entrance. Original windows were arched 4/4 lights but these have been replaced by 6/1 lights. A red brick building on the south side has been incorporated into the main structure. Interior has been completely remodeled and is continuous with the Mace Building which was built in 1909.
Bibliographic References:Waukesha Freeman 12/9/1869. Tax records. Waukesha Freeman 2/3/1870. Deed. Photographs and Memories, A Pictorial History of Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin, 1976. 1910, 1925 Sanborn maps. Menomonee Falls News 4/1/1910. Menomonee Falls News 1/30/1947. Menomonee Falls News 2/21/1908. Menomonee Falls News 7/17/1941. Hartford Press 9/7/1888. Menomonee Falls Diamond Jubilee Booklet, 1967: 19. Waukesha Freeman 11/7/1870. Waukesha Freeman 5/26/1870. Haight, 1907: 443. Interview with Elton McGee, 4/9/1986. R.L. Polk and Co., 1905: 643. R.L. Polk and Co., 1907-1908: 619. Title. Waukesha Freeman 10/23/1924. Danhof, 1969: 3, 27, 31, 44. Bruchey, 1972: 211-212, 219-222.
Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, State Historic Preservation Office, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin

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