202/204 W MAIN ST | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society

Property Record

202/204 W MAIN ST

Architecture and History Inventory
202/204 W MAIN ST | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society
Historic Name:Charles Sommerfeld
Other Name:R & R TV/Video Country
Contributing: Yes
Reference Number:77197
Location (Address):202/204 W MAIN ST
Unincorporated Community:
Quarter Section:
Quarter/Quarter Section:
Year Built:1910
Survey Date:19862020
Historic Use:retail building
Architectural Style:Queen Anne
Structural System:
Wall Material:Brick
Other Buildings On Site:
Demolished Date:
National/State Register Listing Name: Main Street Commercial Historic District
National Register Listing Date:6/2/1989
National Register Multiple Property Name:
Additional Information:This double storefront was built in 1910 by Charles Sommerfeld, a barber who had his shop in the eastern storefront between 1910 and at least 1930. Several different businesses occupied the western storefront between 1910 and 1930.

This building has some historical interest as the location of several retail businesses in the early twentieth century. While none of these businesses has historical significance, they contribute to the development of commerce in the Main Street Commercial Historic District.

Dominated by a pair of three-sided, metal covered oriel windows decorated by pressed classical swag designs and grooved pilaster mullions, the Sommerfeld building is a two-story brown brick commercial building built in 1910. A scalloped pediment featuring rows of denticulated brick is visually supported by brick applied pilasters. A leaded glass window remains on the west oriel window while replacement window sashes are found on the east oriel window.

Originally built as one building with two storefronts for Charles Sommerfeld, the building is presently divided into separate properties. The east storefront has been completely altered in a contemporary manner. The west storefront has an offset recessed entrance as well as an entrance to the second story both topped by transom windows and paneled window aprons. A second story wooden porch on the east section and an open stairway plus a small one story garage on the west end are located at the rear.

Although the Sommerfeld building is one of the few examples of the Queen Anne style in the Main Street Historic District, it was constructed at the very end of the Queen Anne period when the force of the style was greatly diminished. Constructed when architectural ornament in general was being scaled down, the Sommerfeld building is not as architecturally significant as the more elaborate Staats Saloon at 201 South Third St. (73-10) built during the same period under the Queen Anne influence.

A double storefront building presently divided into two separate properties, the Sommerfeld building has one completely remodeled contemporary storefront while the west storefront exhibits a more historic appearance.
Bibliographic References:(A) Tax Records, City of Watertown, 1910, Area Research Center, Library, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. (B) Watertown City Directories, 1911-1930, on file at the Watertown Public Library.
Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, State Historic Preservation Office, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin

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Wisconsin Historical Society, Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, "Historic Name", "Town", "County", "State", "Reference Number".