127 S KNOWLES AVE | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society

Property Record


Architecture and History Inventory
127 S KNOWLES AVE | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society
Contributing: Yes
Reference Number:47461
Location (Address):127 S KNOWLES AVE
County:St. Croix
City:New Richmond
Unincorporated Community:
Quarter Section:
Quarter/Quarter Section:
Year Built:1918
Additions: 1935 1990
Survey Date:19832018
Historic Use:retail building
Architectural Style:Commercial Vernacular
Structural System:
Wall Material:Brick
Other Buildings On Site:
Demolished Date:
National/State Register Listing Name: New Richmond Commercial Historic District
National Register Listing Date:12/22/2022
State Register Listing Date:5/20/2022
National Register Multiple Property Name:
Additional Information:C.S. Arnquist established the Arnquist Mercantile business in 1910. Arnquist bought out his business partners in 1916 and renamed the dry goods and grocery business the Daylight Store. In 1918, the Commercial Vernacular style Daylight Store was constructed at 127 South Knowles Avenue. The store was significantly remodeled in 1935, and the Daylight Department Store remained in business at this location until 1981.

This 1 1/2 story commercial building has a metal and plate glass facade and brick plan. The roof is flat. There is a metal awning and stepped back entry. The integrity of the building has been altered to the extent that it is not readily recognizable as a 1900 structure. It has no architectural significance.

In 1887 this was the site of 2 stores, both 2 stories, frame structure and shingle roof. The store to the north was a general store. To the south was a bakery and confectioneers. An ice house was in the rear. By 1892 the north part was a grocery. The south part was now a 1 story brick bulding with composite roof. Like the rest of Knowles Avenue this building was destroyed in the 1899 tornado. It was rebuilt as 2 stores, both brick 1 story with composite roofs. In 1900 the north store was empty and the south was a general merchandise store. By 1912 the north store was dry goods and notions and the south part sold meats. It was made into one store front by 1927.

CS "Doc" Arnquist joined Arnquist Mercantile in 1910. It was a dry goods, grocery and clothing store. The Arnquists owned "The Big Store" near the NE corner of East Second and Knowles. Doc had worked for Ward S. Williams in his store from 1908-10. In 1913 Doc and Robert Anderson formed a partnership and bought out the drygoods and grocery part of Arnquist Mercantile. CW Arnquist had retired and EN Arnquist kept the clothing part. About 3 years later Doc bought out Anderson and renamed the store "The Daylight Store." In 1919 he moved into this site. It has been Abe Rohrbuck's Store and the City Market. The building belonged to Mrs. Bell. The store front was plate glass and copper. He tore out the partition wall and remodeled the store. It was here until September 1982 when it went out of business. Doc's son Sabin joined the firm in 1946 and took it over in 1955. A 1927 fire caused extensive remodeling to be undertaken. Three electrically lit show cases were built in. AS were porcelain scalls. The interior was walnut trim with stippled walls.

This store site has no outstanding historical significance. It is similar to the rest of New Richmond's business development.
Bibliographic References:
Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, State Historic Preservation Office, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin

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