384 E MAIN | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society

Property Record

384 E MAIN

Architecture and History Inventory
384 E MAIN | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society
Historic Name:
Other Name:
Contributing: Yes
Reference Number:31012
Location (Address):384 E MAIN
Unincorporated Community:
Quarter Section:
Quarter/Quarter Section:
Year Built:1912
Survey Date:199020132019
Historic Use:retail building
Architectural Style:Commercial Vernacular
Structural System:Balloon Frame
Wall Material:Rock-Faced Concrete Block
Other Buildings On Site:
Demolished Date:
National/State Register Listing Name: Main Street Commercial Historic District (Boundary Increase)
National Register Listing Date:5/12/1994
State Register Listing Date:4/23/1993
National Register Multiple Property Name:
Additional Information:A 'site file' exists for this property. (Main Street Historic District) It contains additional information such as correspondence, newspaper clippings, or historical information. It is a public record and may be viewed in person at the Wisconsin Historical Society, Division of Historic Preservation-Public History.

Architectural Description:

384 East Main Street is a commercial vernacular building with Italianate detailing on the second story, and a later Period Revival "Colonial" styling on first story facade (probably from the 50s or 60s). Three bays wide, this two story flat roofed building has brick sidewalls, and a cast concrete block front. The cornice is pressed metal, while the slightly arched lintels are stone. The building was constructed between 1904 and 1912 [B], and is in good condition.

Architectural Significance:

This property is a contributing feature to the Main Street Historic District under Criterion C for the National Register. It maintains the street scape with the same scale and massing of the rest of the district.

Historical Background:

Until 1912, this lot was vacant. Between 1904 and 1912, a wood frame building with brick veneer in the back, and concrete block veneer in the front was constructed. In both the 1912 and 1926 the building was occupied by a store. [B]. In 1915 the builidng was occupied by O. T. Aasheim. [A]. The use of concrete block on the front elevation is unusual in Stoughton. In this case, concrete block is used as a decorative rather than a utilitarian building material.

Historical Significance:

This property is significant under Criterion A as an example of Goods and Services element of the Commerce Theme for Stoughton and contributes to the Main Street Historic District.

August 2013: Decorative shutters removed and canvas awnings added to second-story windows

August 2019: Appearance unchanged.
Bibliographic References:A. "Farrell-McCoy Directory Co., Stoughton Direcory 1915-1916." Rockford, Illinois: Rockford Printing Co., 1915. B. Sanborn-Perris Insurance Maps: 1884, 1887, 1889, 1892, 1904, 1912, 1926, 1926-43.
Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, State Historic Preservation Office, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin

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Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory Citation
Wisconsin Historical Society, Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, "Historic Name", "Town", "County", "State", "Reference Number".