123 S WATER ST | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society

Property Record


Architecture and History Inventory
123 S WATER ST | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society
Historic Name:Hoffman Building; F.D. Fowler; Schneller & Perham
Other Name:Mike's T.V. and Appliance
Contributing: Yes
Reference Number:28032
Location (Address):123 S WATER ST
Unincorporated Community:
Quarter Section:
Quarter/Quarter Section:
Year Built:1896
Survey Date:1989
Historic Use:restaurant
Architectural Style:Romanesque Revival
Structural System:
Wall Material:Brick
Architect: Hushcka-Davenport
Other Buildings On Site:
Demolished Date:
National/State Register Listing Name: Water Street Commercial Historic District
National Register Listing Date:11/12/1992
State Register Listing Date:7/3/1992
National Register Multiple Property Name:
Additional Information:In 1896, the present building was erected alongside the Williams Block building. The original occupants of the building were restaurant owners - F.D. Fowler. Thereafter, a number of restaurants were at this location from 1896 to 1931. They included: Schneller and Perham's restaurant (1897-unknown), Parlor restaurant (circa 1904-1911), George Young's Restaurant (1916-unknown), and unknown restaurant (1922 to 1931). On the second floor of the building, the Monroe County Democrat was printed from 1896 to at least 1916. In its history, the Monroe County Democrat was printed from several different locations, one of which was this building. The Hoffman Building gains local historical significance under Criterion A as an example of the general mercantile businesses common in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. As indicated within the Commercial Theme, these enterprises (hardware stores, restaurants, jewelry stores, etc.) played a central role in the growth and stability of the community's business. The period of historical significance for this building extends from 1896 to perhaps as late as 1916. In addition, the Hoffman Building gains local historical significance under Criterion A in association with the Information Services: Publishing topic under the Commerce Theme. The citizens of Sparta were intrigued with the outside world and thirst for knowledge for national and world news from its several newspapers. The Monroe County Democrat was one of the newspapers they depended on for this information, which was printed in this building. The building's period of significance ranges from its erection and initial business occupation in 1896 to 1916, when the Monroe County Democrat stopped publishing in the building. This small two-story brick building, constructed at the same time as the large adjacent Williams Block, is characterized by the metal cornice with an arcade design pressed into the metal that also extends across the top of the Water and Oak Street facades of the adjacent Williams Block. The ends of the Hoffman building was bordered by applied brick pilasters topped by round metal caps that rise above the cornice and ornamented by a appliqued swag design placed below the caps. The facade, divided horizontally by the cornice, plain freize, and white belt course below the freize, is further characterized by a large rectangular second story window, now partially filled with a smaller window and stuccoed panels. This small building has a storefront and metal canopy in common with the Williams Block. This building has been altered extensively by the filling in of the window area on the second floor and the addition of a contemporary storefront. Built in a style compatible with the adjacent Romanesque Revival styled Williams Block, this building was constructed at the same time, by the same contractor and very probably [no written evidence known at present time] was designed by the same architect as the Williams building. It was built, utilizing steel beams manufactured at the Sparta Iron Works and plate glass from James Patton of Milwaukee, in 1896 by local contractors Louis Huschka and H. Davenport. Built as investment property for W.C. Hoffman on a lot vacant for many years, this building originally housed the F.D. Fowler Restaurant. The Hoffman Building does not meet the criteria of the NRHP for architectural significance because of a lack of integrity. However, this building has sufficient architecural character to contribute to the Water Street Historic District.
Bibliographic References:(A) Sparta Herald June 9, 1896; July 21, 1896; Aug. 25, 1896; Sept. 29, 1896; Oct. 27, 1896; Nov. 17, 1896. (B) Sanborn Insurance Maps 1884, 1889, 1894, 1900, 1911, 1922, 1931. (C) City of Sparta Tax Records, 1870-1930. (D) City of Sparta Property Tax Rolls, 1870-1940. (E) Annual Directory of Sparta, Wisconsin. Vol. 1. Chicago: Interstate Directory Co., 1897. (F) Sparta City Directory, 1903-1904. Sparta: R.C. Glover, Publisher, 1904. (G) City Directory of the City of Sparta, Wisconsin. Sparta: compiled and published by E.B. Bell, 1916.
Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, State Historic Preservation Office, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin

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Wisconsin Historical Society, Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, "Historic Name", "Town", "County", "State", "Reference Number".