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W6829 USH 10 | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society

Property Record

W6829 USH 10

Architecture and History Inventory
W6829 USH 10 | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society
Historic Name:
Other Name:Ponderosa Drive-In Root Beer Stand
Reference Number:246873
Location (Address):W6829 USH 10
Unincorporated Community:
Quarter Section:
Quarter/Quarter Section:
Year Built:1950
Survey Date:2020
Historic Use:retail building
Architectural Style:Other Vernacular
Structural System:
Wall Material:Board
Other Buildings On Site:
Demolished Date:
National/State Register Listing Name:Not listed
National Register Listing Date:
State Register Listing Date:
Additional Information:Located west of the modern buildings associated with Polzer Bros. Inc. and oriented to the north and US 10, this small, rectangular, one-story building is topped with an asphalt shingle-sheathed, hipped roof and walls are covered with wide board siding. The north façade carries a pair of wood-frame, tripartite windows consisting of a central, double-hung opening and a tall-and-narrow fixed sash on either side. These windows, along with two similar openings to the east and west, are sheltered by a wide overhanging eave. The rear half of the building extends to the end of the roofline where a single sash opening punctuates each side wall (to the east and west). A small storage shed is located behind the building, while wooden framework—presumably from former signage--is located in front (north of) the building. This building historically served as a seasonal food and/or root beer stand, which is known to have operated as such in the 1950s and 1960s. It is understood to have originally been built, owned and operated by Daniel and Eleanor Abel; however, the actual year of its opening is unknown. Daniel Abel was born in Pierce County in 1913 and moved with his family to the Town of Waubeek in 1917. A graduate of Arkansaw High School and Eau Claire State Teachers College, Daniel taught for eight years, after which he farmed in the Town of Waubeek. Additionally, he served as clerk, chairman and supervisor of Waubeek Township, held the positions of Pepin County Democratic Party chairman and vice president of the Tri-County Fire Protection District, as well as deputy sheriff of Pepin County. In 1942, he wed Pepin County native and local teacher, Eleanor Jahnke. By the 1960s, the property was sold to George and Gertrude Bauer, during which time it was known as the Ponderosa Drive-In Root Beer Stand. They also reportedly ran movies on the property that were projected onto a sheet but there was no speaker system. Prior to running the stand, George hauled cream for the Waterville Cooperative Creamery, established a cement block factory, and later built and operated the Arkansaw Recreation Hall. Later uses of the building include a cheese store that was run by a Polzer family member and, for a single year, as a real estate/insurance office by a Mr. Ballard. The most recent “active” use of the property was as a melon stand in the 1980s.
Bibliographic References:An historic aerial image of the area, dated 15 October 1940, confirms that this building was not yet located on this parcel, Wisconsin Historic Aerial Image Finder website, Available online at, Accessed April 2024; “Daniel Abel,” obituary, The Eau Claire (WI) Leader-Telegram, 22 February 1983, 4; “Eleanor L. Abel,” obituary, The Winona (MN) Daily News, 22 December 1999, 4; Kristine Polzer, current co-owner of the subject property, Conversation with Traci E. Schnell, April 2024. “Gertrude Bauer,” obituary, The Eau Claire Leader-Telegram, 22 December 1995, 12; “George W. Bauer,” obituary, The Eau Claire Leader-Telegram, 8 June 2003, 12; Polzer, Conversation with Schnell.
Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, State Historic Preservation Office, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin

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Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory Citation
Wisconsin Historical Society, Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, "Historic Name", "Town", "County", "State", "Reference Number".