7631 State Highway 42 | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society

Property Record

7631 State Highway 42

Architecture and History Inventory
7631 State Highway 42 | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society
Historic Name:
Other Name:
Reference Number:243008
Location (Address):7631 State Highway 42
City:Egg Harbor
Unincorporated Community:
Quarter Section:
Quarter/Quarter Section:
Year Built:
Survey Date:2021
Historic Use:house
Architectural Style:
Structural System:
Wall Material:
Other Buildings On Site:
Demolished Date:
National/State Register Listing Name:Not listed
National Register Listing Date:
State Register Listing Date:
Additional Information:Surveyed 2021: Rising from a quarried stone foundation, this building ties the “Chief Oshkosh – Native American Arts” store with a living quarters behind. The structure is located in the north corner of the "X"-shaped STH 42/South Trail Drive intersection. It is oriented on a SW/NE axis and faces STH 42 from which it is set back by about eighty feet. The building is notable for its log cabin-type construction and the saddle notches used to join logs at the structure’s corners. The primary façade is anchored by two gabled endwall wings, each with a centered window, between which is a shed-roof element with a centered doorway flanked by two window sets. That to the right (north) has a large, centered pane flanked by two narrow panes, while that to the left (south) claims three, double-hung, one-over-one-light sashes. Behind the entrance and its flanking gabled wings is a two-story section with a gently-pitched roof on its southeast-facing side that shelters the greater part of this building element, again constructed of saddle-joined, log cabin construction. The first floor of this building component has a garage in its southwest side, above which, on the second floor, are two, paired, two-over-two-light windows, around the corner from which, on the northwest side of the building, are two units each claiming four, double-hung-windows side by side, to the left (north) of which is a paired doorway providing access to a nominal balcony/porch. A single story addition was subsequently constructed on the northwest side of the two-story section. It has a shed roof, a garage door on its southwest-facing side and a pedestrian door and a paired window on its northwest side. An analysis of plat maps suggests that Charles LaRouche owned in 1905 the land on which this building was constructed. LaRouche immigrated to Door County from Canada in 1886 and served the community first as a blacksmith and later an Egg Harbor merchant. He owned about 35 acres, essentially the NE¼ of the SE¼ of Section 25 on the west side of STH 42. He died in 1930 as did his wife 1n 1945.
Bibliographic References:Map of Door County Wisconsin (Rockford, IL: W.W. Hixson & Company and the Door County Democrat, 1905): map; U.S. Federal Census, 1910 & 1930, Accessed on 05 May 2021 at www.ancestory.com; “Chas. LaRouche, Egg Harbor, Died April 4,” Obituary viewed on 05 May 2021 at https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/49436729/charles-larouche; Egg Harbor Historical Society, Celebrating Egg Harbor, 1861- 2011, Volume 1: A Patchwork of Family Memories (Egg Harbor, WI: Egg Harbor Historical Society, 1911): 179-180.
Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, State Historic Preservation Office, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin

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Wisconsin Historical Society, Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, "Historic Name", "Town", "County", "State", "Reference Number".