401 GRAY ST | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society

Property Record


Architecture and History Inventory
401 GRAY ST | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society
Historic Name:Church of the Annunciation
Other Name:Church of the Annunciation
Reference Number:2053
Location (Address):401 GRAY ST
City:Green Bay
Unincorporated Community:
Quarter Section:
Quarter/Quarter Section:
Year Built:1932
Additions:C. 1942
Survey Date:198520152022
Historic Use:church
Architectural Style:Late Gothic Revival
Structural System:Steel Frame
Wall Material:Stone - Unspecified
Architect: Builder - Jacob Basten
Other Buildings On Site:
Demolished Date:
National/State Register Listing Name:Not listed
National Register Listing Date:
State Register Listing Date:
Additional Information:2015- "The Church of the Annunciation (Catholic) is a front-gabled, steel frame, stone-veneered, NeoGothic Revival building, erected in 1932 (cornerstone) and facing southeast (Gray Street). A square bell tower can be seen toward the southwesterly corner ofthe church. Behind the tower, a stone-veneered, NeoGothic Revival parish house attaches, and is set perpendicular to, the church. It appears to be original. A two-story, flat-roofed garage apartment is appended to the northwest (rear) of the parish house, and appears to date to circa 1950. A three-story school addition erected circa 1942 attaches to the northeast corner of the church. Both the garage apartment and the school are veneered with stone that closely matches that of the church, and the school evokes NeoGothic style in its steeplypitched roof with shouldered parapet, and gabled dormers. Prior to 1985, replacement windows in reduced openings were installed in the school section. On site, foundation plantings accent the complex, a metal flag pole appears east of the complex, and a small statue of the Virgin Mary as well as a stone-veneered sign are found south of the complex. The lawns feature a few mature trees, but is not a designed landscape. The church features a slightly-projecting, entrance pavilion with shouldered parapets, flanked with buttresses. Three recessed entrances composed of single and paired wooden doors with elaborate strapwork, set in compound moldings. Above, a tall, recessed, pointed-arched window with stone tracery lights the nave. Short, free-standing, stone-veneered walls frame the steps that rise to the front entrance. On the interior, the nave is finished with plaster and displays wooden trusswork. The interior of the school was not accessible." - "Gray St, Dousman St to Velp Ave," WisDOT#4987-02-58, Prepared by Elizabeth L. Miller (Preservation Consultant), 2015. Photo code #2: 75BR-4/20,21 Excellent late Neogothic Church with later Neogothicized school building addition. The Church has a large, rectangular, gable roofed nave with an attached, square plan bell tower set well back from the street on the Church's south facade. All walls are of ashlar stone. The extreme facade features a full height entrance pavillion with stepped buttresses on either side of the three, deeply recessed, compound, pointed arch entrance of oak and there is a large, pointed arch window above having stone muntins dividing the window into three with each section topped with trefoil tracery. The sides of the nave are composed of five bays, each defined by stepped stone buttresses. The center three windows are also large, stained glass, pointed arch windows each divided by a stone muntin into two sections topped with trefoil tracery which is, in turn, topped by a quatre foil element. Attached to the Church on the south facade is the one and half story gable roof, ashlar stone faced parish house having gable roof wall dormers on its south facing face with 6/6 light windows. The first floor 8/8 casement appearing windows arranged in groups. All the exterior of Church and parish house is of cut stone. ARCHITECTURAL/ENGINEERING SIGNIFICANCE A fine example of the Neogothic Revival style used for a church and parish house building group. The massive, restrained nature of the design coupled with the excellently crafted use of stone combine to make this one of West Green Bay's finest church buildings and its best, more pure use of the Neogothic style. The later addition of the attached schooll building to the north of the Church was done in a less,d pure but still sympathetic manner using complimentary or identical materials. The effort has been somewhat marred by the very recent addition of energy efficient windows ot the school building. #650: Parish House and School Building. School erected circa 1942 (listed in Wright's Green Bay City Directory, 1943). 2015: Church complex unaltered since last surveyed. Green Bay Intensive Survey Phases 2, 3 & 4
Bibliographic References:A. Sanford-Perris Map Co., Inc. Fire Insurance Map of Green Bay, Wisconsin, New York, 1957. B. Cornerstone of Church building. C. Berness, Schuber Assoc., Inc. Archives Slide No. 201.
Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, State Historic Preservation Office, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin

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Wisconsin Historical Society, Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, "Historic Name", "Town", "County", "State", "Reference Number".