642 W GARFIELD AVE | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society

Property Record


Architecture and History Inventory
642 W GARFIELD AVE | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society
Other Name:
Reference Number:16211
Location (Address):642 W GARFIELD AVE
Unincorporated Community:
Quarter Section:
Quarter/Quarter Section:
Year Built:1875
Survey Date:198020242020
Historic Use:bakery
Architectural Style:Italianate
Structural System:
Wall Material:Brick
Other Buildings On Site:
Demolished Date:
National/State Register Listing Name:Not listed
National Register Listing Date:
State Register Listing Date:
Additional Information:Was constructed as a Bakery for Henry Erbach around 1875 and continued to be his business in to the 1920's 2024: The Henry Erbach Bakery is at the northeast corner of the intersection of W. Garfield Avenue and N. Halyard Street/N. 7th Street. The two-story building was constructed c.1875. It has a stone foundation, cream and red brick clad walls, and a hip roof with a central gable on the façade (south elevation). The roof has overhanging eaves and is sheathed in asphalt shingles. The main entrance is recessed and located at the center of the façade. West of the entrance is a three-part replacement display window, enclosed with wood panels. To the east of the door is a nine-light fixed window with a rounded brick surround. The second story features three one-over-one replacement sash windows with matching brick surrounds. Centered below the gable peak is a circular four-light window. The east (side) elevation has a secondary entrance door and two bays with windows on the first and second stories. Similarly, the west (side) elevation features a secondary entrance with a window above, adjacent to one bay with windows on the first and second stories (Figure 4). The secondary entrances have modern doors and are approached by modern replacement steps and railings. All second story windows are one-over-one replacements. Windows on the east elevation have simple, segmental brick arches and windows on the west elevation have brick arches matching those on the façade. A one-story rear addition was constructed by 1894. It has a rear facing gable roof and is accessed by an entrance on the east elevation. This entrance is adjacent to a window with a segmental brick arch. There are two window openings on the north (rear) elevation; one is enclosed with wood and the other with glass block. Henry Erbach owned the bakery until the early 1930s, when it was purchased by Dr. E. Lobedan. Since then, the building has changed hands several times and been used for several purposes, most notably as a tavern/bar with living space above. HRL - October 2020: A simple structure that reflects an Italianate influence, this building is situated on the north side of the street and faces south. It consists of two parts. The most significant is that to the south, a two-story component with wide eaves and a gently pitched, hipped roof, the south side of which – the primary façade – has a prominent wall gable in which the entryway is centered. A multi-light window is to the right (east) while a display window, much of which been covered, is to the left (west). Three windows are centered above those first floor elements on the second floor. A small, four pane, circular window is set in the shallow gabled peak above. The south side of this block contains one window and one doorway on the first floor with two windows immediately above on the second floor, all in the left (north) half of this façade. All these windows have prominent brick surrounds. One doorway and four windows, two on each floor are set in the east side of this block, again, all offset to the right (north). The doorway and first floor windows are crowned with modest, segmental arches while the two second floor windows abut the wood molding just below the eaves. The second building component is a one story, gabled wing that projects to the north. It may well have been an addition. Aside from a doorway and a window on its east sidewall, it apparently has no openings. An interesting property that predates 1894, the original use for this building was as a store, a function it served into the first quarter of the twentieth century. By 1934 the structure was owned by Dr. E. Lobedan. He rented it to Joseph Harwath who operated a tavern on the first floor, above which was a flat. It was noted that the tavern was to have no dancing or entertainment. Anna Lobedan owned the property in 1944, which continued serving as a bar to 1959. Then operated by Tim Long, the building was owned by Schlitz Brewing, which continued to hold the property until at least 1961
Bibliographic References:BUILT IN MILWAUKEE, LANDSCAPE RESEARCH, P. 94. 1921 City Directory 1888 Sanborn Atlas 1874 and 1876 city Directories City of Milwaukee Building Permits & Wright City Directories
Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, State Historic Preservation Office, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin

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Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory Citation
Wisconsin Historical Society, Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, "Historic Name", "Town", "County", "State", "Reference Number".