1142 N 4TH ST | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society

Property Record

1142 N 4TH ST

Architecture and History Inventory
1142 N 4TH ST | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society
Historic Name:Volckman House
Other Name:
Reference Number:15330
Location (Address):1142 N 4TH ST
Unincorporated Community:
Quarter Section:
Quarter/Quarter Section:
Year Built:1860
Survey Date:1974
Historic Use:house
Architectural Style:Italianate
Structural System:
Wall Material:Cream Brick
Other Buildings On Site:
Demolished Date:
National/State Register Listing Name:Not listed
National Register Listing Date:
State Register Listing Date:
Additional Information:Another map code for this building is DO 1/16, found on the DOT Watertown map. This two story Italianate house features an irregular shaped plan configuration and a brick foundation. The cream brick exterior is highlighted by wood and brick trim material, and the low pitched hip roof is covered with shingles. Moulded frieze boards visible under the broad overhaning eaves adorn the uppermost story. Rectangular windows have panes arranged four-over-four and are set within wooden frames. Peaked and projecting wooden lintels, each detailed with egg and dart molding, further embellish these windows, as do bracketed sills and wooden shutters. A similarly designed wooden lintel caps one of the front doors as well. The partially enclosed two sided porch has its roof supported by squared columns. Other architectural elements found on the dwelling include a two-story square bay on the south side, a rectangular bay window on the north side, and a wooden addition built at the rear. The residence is in good condition. It was constructed in the late 1860s by the locally prominent builder, Christian Schmutzler for August Volckman. (See Bib. Ref. A). (There are two spellings given in the Intensive Survey Form for the initial family who owned this house: Volkmann and Volckman). Architectural/Engineering Significance: The Volckman house is significant under criterion C as an example of the vernacular Italianate style. One of the good but not exceptional examples of the Italianate style in the city, the Volckman house is characteristic of the Italianate style in its simplest form featuring the cubic shape, low pitched roof, overhaning eaves and articulated window heads. Other more significant examples of the Italianate style are the Cole house at 802 North Fourth (DO 28/22), the Hartwig house at 908 County Lane (DO 27/32), the Prentiss house at 802 Clyman (DO 43/26) and the Hill house at 700 Clyman (DO 43/25). Also, the Volckman house is an important as an example of the work of the locally prominent builder, Christian Schmutzler. Historical Background: This was the home of August and William Volckman, businessmen, between c. 1872 and c. 1885. William Volckman was a farmer and and jeweler, while August Volckman was in the insurance business. A later, long-time resident was Hugo Volckman who was an executive in a clothing firm and the Watertown Cutlery Company. (See Bib. Ref. B). Historical Significance: This house has some historical interest as the long-time home of the Volckman family, all of whom were buisnessmen in the community. Although of historical interest, none of the Volckmans are individually significant, therefore this house does not meet the criteria for local historical significance.
Bibliographic References:A. Evelyn Ruddick Rose, Our Heritage of Homes, (Watertown Historical Society, 1980), p. 43. B. Watertown City Directories, 1866-1930, Watertown, Wisconsin Public Library.
Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, State Historic Preservation Office, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin

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Wisconsin Historical Society, Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, "Historic Name", "Town", "County", "State", "Reference Number".