4725 N WILSHIRE RD | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society

Property Record


Architecture and History Inventory
4725 N WILSHIRE RD | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society
Historic Name:Edward Franz & Erna M. Pritzlaff House
Other Name:
Contributing: Yes
Reference Number:153263
Location (Address):4725 N WILSHIRE RD
City:Whitefish Bay
Unincorporated Community:
Quarter Section:
Quarter/Quarter Section:
Year Built:1925
Additions: 1936
Survey Date:20112009
Historic Use:house
Architectural Style:English Revival Styles
Structural System:
Wall Material:Stone - Unspecified
Architect: Harry Bogner (architect) / George J. Dunn (builder); Ernest J. Hahn and Sons (builders - addition)
Other Buildings On Site:
Demolished Date:
National/State Register Listing Name:Not listed
National Register Listing Date:
State Register Listing Date:
Additional Information:2009-

Constructed of Lannon stone, with half timbering in the gable ends, wooden lintels, and a slate roof. A stone fence surrounds the residence and features a gate with an arch and ornate lighting which was a wedding gift to Edward and Erna Pritzlaff. The garage and an addition on the north elevation were added in 1936 and were also designed by Bogner.

The interior features hardware products from the Pritzlaff Hardware Company.

The original address was 1765 Michigan Ave. The street name changed to Whitcomb and then Wilshire.

Edward's grandfather John Pritzlaff, was co-founder of a hardware company. Eventually he bought out his partner and incorporated the business as the John Pritzlaff Hardware Company. The company kept growing and moving until it became the largest hardware store in Milwaukee and the entire region, employing 400 people.

Edward's father, Frederick C. Pritzlaff took over the company upon John's death in 1900, and served in this capacity from 1900 to 1951. He was also a director of several Milwaukee banking and insurance firms, and was prominent in Lutheran philanthropy.

The 1930 census reports Edward F. Pritzlaff at age 35 as a hardware buyer. The Pritzlaffs lived in the subject house until c. 1960.

Edward Franz Pritzlaff, born in 1895, graduated from the University of Wisconsin in Madison in 1919 before becoming a buyer for his family’s hardware business in Milwaukee. He eventually became the president of the John Pritzlaff Hardware Company. He hired George J. Dunn to construct his home, designed by Harry Bogner, on Wilshire Road in 1925.
Bibliographic References:Building permit records on file at Whitefish Bay Village Hall. "The American Architect", Dec 20, 1928. pp 854-856. Whitefish Bay Architecture and History Inventory. Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin: Village of Whitefish Bay Historic Preservation Commission, June 2011.
Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, State Historic Preservation Office, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin

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