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RR over Kinnickinnic River at Milwaukee Harbor | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society

Property Record

RR over Kinnickinnic River at Milwaukee Harbor

Architecture and History Inventory
RR over Kinnickinnic River at Milwaukee Harbor | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society
Historic Name:C&NW RR Swing Bridge over Kinnickinnic River
Other Name:Chicago & North Western RR Swing Bridge
Reference Number:142238
Location (Address):RR over Kinnickinnic River at Milwaukee Harbor
Unincorporated Community:
Quarter Section:
Quarter/Quarter Section:
Year Built:1898
Survey Date:2011200620212023
Historic Use:moveable bridge
Architectural Style:NA (unknown or not a building)
Structural System:Swing Bridge
Wall Material:
Other Buildings On Site:
Demolished Date:
National/State Register Listing Name:Not listed
National Register Listing Date:
State Register Listing Date:
Additional Information:A 'site file' exists for this property. It contains additional information such as correspondence, newspaper clippings, or historical information. It is a public record and may be viewed in person at the Wisconsin Historical Society, State Historic Preservation Office. 2023: Appearance unchanged. 2021 - Located across the Kinnickinnic River at Milwaukee Harbor, the Chicago & North Western Railroad Swing Bridge was constructed in 1898. The structure is a one-span, double-intersection Pratt through truss swing bridge measuring approximately 240 ft. long and 30 ft. wide. The bridge pivots on a circular stone pier situated in the center of the river. Its central frame is comprised of built-up I-beams with an elevated operator’s shed located at the top center of the span. The bridge has been held in the open position in recent years. It appears to be in good condition and retains a relatively high degree of integrity. No changes are visible since the bridge was last surveyed in 2011. 2011- Resurveyed; appearance unchanged. 2006- This swing bridge is located at the mouth of the Kinnickinnic River, at that place where it enters the Milwaukee Harbor. The structure is approximately 240' long and 30' wide. It is a Double Intersection, Pratt Through Truss that rises from, and pivots on a circular, stone pier situated in the center of the river. The bridge's central frame, that which specifically pivots above the stone pier, is comprised of built up "I" Beams that are 57" by 16". Extending to either side of the center frame are lower chords comprised of 15" channels placed back-to-back with lacing, the overall dimensions of which are 24" by 15". Situated between the lower chords, and to either side of the center frame, are seven floor beams. They are "I" beams of plates and angles with overall dimensions of 4'3" by 14". Those beams carry four "I" beam deck stingers, which are 26.6" by 10" "I" and constructed of plates and angles. The inclined endposts and top chords are 21" by 15", built-up "I" beams. The various diagonals on the structure, as well as the struts, are all comprised of angles and lacing. The specific history of this bridge is presently unknown. It is understood, however, that few swing bridges remain in Milwaukee. And of those that do, all are railroad bridges. This fabrication carried the historic Chicago & North Western railroad across the Kinnickinnic River as its trains traveled to and from Chicago. It is about one mile south of the 1915, Chicago & North Western swing bridge crossing at the Milwaukee River which, in 2005, became a locally designated structure in the City of Milwaukee. The designation for this later bridge noted how unique and rare the swing bridge type has become in Milwaukee. The report further noted that "the State Historical Society has recognized the importance of old railroad bridges but notes that not enough study has been directed toward them." The date of the subject bridge over the Kinnickinnic River is presently thought to be 1898. The structure visually compares favourably with the 1890 bridge that was the predecessor to the aforementioned bridge across the Milwaukee River built in 1915.
Bibliographic References:.
Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, State Historic Preservation Office, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin

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Wisconsin Historical Society, Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, "Historic Name", "Town", "County", "State", "Reference Number".