W415 CTH W | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society

Property Record

W415 CTH W

Architecture and History Inventory
W415 CTH W | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society
Historic Name:Blank Family Farmstead - House
Other Name:
Reference Number:122559
Location (Address):W415 CTH W
Unincorporated Community:
Quarter Section:NW
Quarter/Quarter Section:NW
Year Built:1840
Survey Date:20101999
Historic Use:house
Architectural Style:Gabled Ell
Structural System:Unknown
Wall Material:Cream Brick
Other Buildings On Site:
Demolished Date:
National/State Register Listing Name:Not listed
National Register Listing Date:
State Register Listing Date:
Additional Information:1999- "The Blank Family Farmstead consists of a Gabled Ell form house [122559], two Basement Barns [122560 & 122563], a small animal barn [122569], silo [122568], sheds, pig sheds, privy [122561], smokehouse, and a drive-through corn crib. Several contemporary structures, consisting primarily of metal pole barns or corn bins, are located on the fringes of the main farmstead.

The small side wing element of the Gabled Ell form house and the Basement Barn situated nearest CTH W are believed to be the oldest extant above-ground resources associated with the farm, having been erected by the original owners circa 1845 (William Blank, personal communication 19999). Probably constructed near the same time was the small stone structure located south of the house (Believed to be a smokehouse) and the bank barn situated west of the house and perpendicular to the road.

Most of the additional surviving elements associated with the farm were constructed following the purchase of the land by the Blank family, circa 1860. The house was enlarged twice, with an upright element added in 1881 and the one-story ell completed in 1905 (William Blank, personal communication 19999). Currently clad in cream brick, evidence survives on the rear of the original house that the building was initially half-timber construction. Other early structures include the large basement barn, c.1895, a small barn erected c. 1885, a privy c.1895, and a small shed c.1910. Silos include a foundation c.1900, and a large extant concrete stave silo c. 1940. Corn storage is accommodated in a drive-through corn crib c.1900, a wire corn bin added in the 1960s, and a wood structure erected within the last 20 years.

Although the original owner of the property is unknown, the current owner's family has held the property and associated structures since 1860 (William Blank, personal communication 1999). The farm was already listed under the Blank family name by 1862, when it was held by W. Blank (Steger 1862: VIII), and passed from father to son for the succeeding generations. In 1899, the Patrons Directory published in the plat book indicated the owner, August Blank, was in the business of farming and dairying, just as the faimly is today, 100 years later."
-"Wisconsin Gas Company Lateral Line Project: Jefferson, Waukesha and Washington Counties", Prepared by CCRG, Inc., (1999).
Bibliographic References:.
Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, State Historic Preservation Office, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin

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