5225 W FOREST HOME AVE | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society

Property Record


Architecture and History Inventory
5225 W FOREST HOME AVE | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society
Historic Name:Leonard and Rosina Weiler House
Other Name:The Farmhouse
Reference Number:108227
Location (Address):5225 W FOREST HOME AVE
Unincorporated Community:
Quarter Section:
Quarter/Quarter Section:
Year Built:1865
Additions: 1950
Survey Date:198020132021
Historic Use:house
Architectural Style:Front Gabled
Structural System:
Wall Material:Cream Brick
Other Buildings On Site:
Demolished Date:
National/State Register Listing Name:Not listed
National Register Listing Date:
State Register Listing Date:
Additional Information:2013- "Constructed of both pressed and common brick, this largely Greek Revival-style house is comprised of a central, front-gabled, two-story block with a one-story, shed-roof, 1950 addition to the rear, and original one-story, hipped-roof wings to both its north and south sides. Segmentally arched windows of the main block are symmetrically arranged and feature what appear to be a single-pane (with snap-in muntin) replacements. Each one-story wing is fronted by an open porch with a four-step approach; the entrance elevations each carry a doorway and a single, multiple-light, replacement window. The rear wing is sheathed with wooden shingles, carries replacement windows and includes a rear wooden deck. A historic photo of the home indicates that most, if not all, of the six-over-six-light sash originally featured wooden shutters. This house was built in 1865 by German-born, Leonard Weiler, who came to the United States from Wurttemburg, Germany, in the 1840s. The Weiler (aka Wiler) family was among the early members of the Zion Evangelical Church located across 52nd Street to the east. A farmer, Weiler died in 1889; his descendants occupied the home into the 1980s. The house was designated as a Milwaukee County Landmark in 1994. County landmark information indicates that Central Builders and Remodeling (owners as of 1994 and who had owned the building since at least 1988), had gone to great lengths to improve the interior of the structure, while maintaining the exterior integrity. The structure currently operates as a business." - "W Morgan Ave, W Forest Home Ave to S 43rd St", WisDOT ID #2405-00-04", Prepared by Heritage Research, Ltd (Schnell) (2013). 2021: This 2-story Front-Gabled house (the Leonard and Rosina Weiler House) was constructed in 1865 with an addition in 1950. It is rectangular in plan with a stone foundation, cream brick walls, an asphalt-shingled gable roof. The building consists of a central 2-story building mass with 1-story, hipped-roof wings balanced on each side; this composition gives the building a Greek Revival aesthetic, although overt references to the style are absent. The front elevation faces northwest with recessed front porches spanning the width of both side wings. Both porches feature square wood support posts at the outside corner and full-width wooden steps with simple wood railings and balusters. Front doors are located inside both porches, within segmentally arched openings. The front elevation of the center building mass contains two regularly-spaced simulated multi-pane windows at the first and second stories. All windows are located within segmentally-arched openings. Both side elevations feature three regularly-spaced segmentally-arched window openings along the side wings. A shed-roofed addition projects from the rear elevation of the central building mass; this was added in 1950 and features wood shingle siding and a single door flanked by modern vinyl bay windows. A modern wood deck spans the width of the addition.
Bibliographic References:U.S. Federal Census, Population, 1850, 1860; Esther L. Fisher, A Brief History of the City of Greenfield, 1841-1976, 20 (includes a circa-1890s photo of the house); Milwaukee County Landmark designation information for the “Leonard Weiler House,” 5225 W. Forest Home Avenue, Available online at www.milwaukeehistory.net/historic-sites-2/county-landmarks, Accessed in October 2013; Wiler’s death date is inscribed on his grave marker, which is located in the Zion Church Cemetery at 3450 S. 52nd Street, City of Greenfield, WI.
Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, State Historic Preservation Office, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin

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Wisconsin Historical Society, Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, "Historic Name", "Town", "County", "State", "Reference Number".