Harrison, Mark, Robert | Biographical Book Excerpt | Wisconsin Historical Society

Biographical Book Excerpt

Harrison, Mark, Robert

Wisconsin Name Index
Harrison, Mark, Robert | Biographical Book Excerpt | Wisconsin Historical Society
Last Name:Harrison
Maiden Name:
First Name:Mark Robert
County:Fond du Lac
Birth Year:1819
Death Year:1894
Published Year:
Published Month:
Published Day:
Call Number:
Volume Number:
Page Number:
Source Title:Federal Writers Project (Wis.). Writings and Research Notes, 1935-1942.
Source Description:The Biographies in the Writings and Research Notes of the Federal Writers Project in Wisconsin, consist of three sets of records: complete biographies, rough drafts or "field notes" of biographies, and notes for biographies that were never written. Contents range from a single page to 100 or more. For more information about these records see the online finding aid for Wis Mss MM at http://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.dl/wiarchives.uw-whs-wis000mm.
Notes:Biographical sketch.
Collection:Wisconsin Name Index

About This Record

This record is not part of the Wisconsin Historical Society collection and so cannot be viewed in person or purchased. If you’d like more information about this record, please contact us: historydocs@wisconsinhistory.org

How to Cite

For the purposes of a bibliography entry or footnote, follow this model:

Birth Records Index Citation
Wisconsin Historical Society. Wisconsin Genealogy Index: Birth Record Entry for Racine County, Reel No. 0248, Record No. 002578; viewed online at https://www.wisconsinhistory.org on [insert today's date here]
Marriage Records Index Citation
Wisconsin Historical Society. Wisconsin Genealogy Index: Marriage Record Entry for Kenosha County, Volume No. 02, Page No. 166; viewed online at https://www.wisconsinhistory.org on [insert today's date here]
Death Records Index Citation
Wisconsin Historical Society. Wisconsin Genealogy Index: Death Record Entry for Dane County, Volume No. 02, Page No. 257; viewed online at https://www.wisconsinhistory.org on [insert today's date here]

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