University of Wisconsin Music Clinic | Photograph | Wisconsin Historical Society


University of Wisconsin Music Clinic

University of Wisconsin Music Clinic | Photograph | Wisconsin Historical Society
A.E. McDonnell, Director of Music at Wausau High School, giving advice to Theresa Stluka of Middleton during the University of Wisconsin Music Clinic. Theresa is practicing in the tuba section.
A.E. McDonnell, Director of Music at Wausau High School, giving advice to Theresa Stluka of Middleton during the University of Wisconsin Music Clinic. Theresa is practicing in the tuba section.
Image ID:136010
Creation Date: 07 14 1954
Creator Name:Stein, Edwin
Collection Name:Edwin Stein negatives and photographs, 1952-1965
Original Format Type:negative, original
Original Format Number:PH 2709.0206A
Original Dimensions:35 mm
One of 17 images. Published in the Wisconsin State Journal on July 15, 1954. Also see Image IDs: 136011, 136013 and 136015.
Bands (Music)
Clothing and dress
Music instruction and study
Student activities
University of Wisconsin
Indoor photography

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Location:Wisconsin Historical Society Archives, 4th Floor, Madison, Wisconsin

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Wisconsin Historical Society Citation
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Wisconsin Center for Film and Theater Research Citation
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