Coffey, John L. 1922 | Wisconsin Historical Society

Historical Essay

Coffey, John L. 1922

Coffey, John L. 1922 | Wisconsin Historical Society
Born Milwaukee, April 15, 1922; married; 2 children. Grad. Marquette Univ. H.S. 1939; B.A. Marquette Univ. 1943; J.D. 1948; Doctor of Business (honorary), Spencerian Business Coll. 1964. Veteran of World War II; served in Navy 1943-46. Named Outstanding Young Man of the Year by Milwaukee Jaycees 1951; One of the Outstanding Young Men by Wis. Jaycees 1957; received Amer. Legion Distinguished Service Award 1973. Member Amer., Wis., Milwaukee Bar Assns.; Amer. Judicature Society; Amer. Legion; Marquette Univ. Law Alumni; and named 1980 Alumnus of the Year; Boy Scouts of Amer. (mbr. Milwaukee Co. Council). Amer. Bar Foundation (fellow); Woolsack Society (bd. of dir.), Marquette Univ.; Alpha Sigma Nu (national honor fraternity). Former member "M" Club (bd. of directors); Advisory Bd. of St. Joseph's Home for Children (chp, 1958-65); Amer. Red Cross (bd. of directors and executive bd. of the Milwaukee-Waukesha Chapter); St. Eugene's School Bd. (chp. 1967-70); Volunteer Services Advisory Committee of the Milwaukee Co, Department of Public Welfare. Former Milwaukee assistant city attorney 1948-54. Elected Milwaukee Co. civil court judge 1954-60; municipal court judge 1960-62; Milwaukee Co. circuit judge 1962-78. Former member Wis. Bd, of Criminal Court Judges and Wis. Bd. of Circuit Court Judges. Elected to Supreme Court April 1978. Nominated to U.S. 7th Circuit Court of Appeals June 1981. (Blue Book 1981-82)

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[Source: Blue book]