Brist, Steven C. 1954 | Wisconsin Historical Society

Historical Essay

Brist, Steven C. 1954

Brist, Steven C. 1954 | Wisconsin Historical Society
(Dem.), 67th Assembly District Born Eau Claire, Jan. 16, 1954; married. Graduate Chippewa Falls High School; attended Georgetown University; WA. UW-Madison; J.D. UW Law School 1982. Attorney. Former realtor, savings and loan mortgage loan officer, legislative asst., staff to Congressman David Obey. Member American Bar Assn.; State Bar of Wisconsin; Wisconsin Farmer's Union; Citizens Utility Bd.; Dem. Party of Wis.; Young Dems. of Wis. (natl. committeeman, former county chp.). Democratic Party ward committeeman 1972-76; county supervisor 1976-77. Served as public member on Legislative Council Study Committee on Correctional Services 1982. Elected to Assembly 1976, 1982, reelected 1984. Majority Caucus Secretary 1983 and 1977. Biennial committee assignments: 1985 - Administrative Rules (chp., vice chp. 1983, mbr. 1977); Agriculture (also 1983); Elections (also 1977); Judiciary (also 1983, 1977); Educational Communications Board (also 1983). 1983 -It. Survey Com. on Tax Exemptions (co-chp.); Commerce and Consumer Affairs; Forest Productivity and Rural Development; Legis. Coun. Corns. on Mining (vice chp.) and on Condominium Issues. 1977 - Revenue; Legis. Coun. Com. on Constitutional and Statutory Review. Telephone: Capitol: (608) 266-1194; District: (715) 962-3747. Voting address: Rural Route 2, Box 181A (Town of Tainter), Colfax 54730. Mailing address: (office) Room 10 West, State Capitol, P.O. Box 8952, Madison 53708. (Blue Book 1985-86)

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[Source: Blue book]