Submit Your Local Historic Preservation and Archaeology Month Event | Wisconsin Historical Society

Form or Application

Submit Your Local Historic Preservation and Archaeology Month Event

Submit Your Local Historic Preservation and Archaeology Month Event | Wisconsin Historical Society


Learn more about Historic Preservation and Archaeology Month

Event Approval Requirements

Event/Activity Title
  • The headline must succinctly convey what the event is. Our users scan calendar listings quickly and will instantly decide whether to read further about your event.
  • Use the full event title.
  • Write a headline that is descriptive (i.e. searchable on Google).
Brief Description
  • The event or activity must be history-related and this must be conveyed in either the title or description. A fundraising event must specify what the money is going toward.
  • We will add the following sentence to the end of each event description: "We are proud to hold this event in celebration of Wisconsin Historic Preservation and Archaeology Month."
Date of Event
  • Your event will be posted on the Society's Historic Preservation and Archaeology Month Calendar for the month of May only, May 1 - May 31.

Historic Preservation and Archaeology Month Event Submission Form

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

Contact Information

Event Information