Library Acquisitions Areas of the Wisconsin Historical Society | Wisconsin Historical Society

General Information

Library Acquisitions Areas

Library Acquisitions Areas of the Wisconsin Historical Society | Wisconsin Historical Society

The Wisconsin Historical Society Library collects each of the subject areas listed below at a research level. That is, it attempts to document them in sufficient depth to support PhD-level research or its equivalent by acquiring published primary sources, specialized monographs, dissertations, scholarly and grass-roots journals and a wide selection of in-depth reference tools in print, microform or digital format. Other aspects of North American history are collected only in enough depth to support undergraduate research.

Subjects Collected at Research Level

 Agricultural history

Economic history of all states and regions

Military, diplomatic, and political history


Anthropology, folklore, leisure and recreational activities

Genealogies and family histories

Political radicalism, both right- and left-wing


Archaeology and pre-history 

History of ethnic groups

Religious organizations in America

Bibliographies, biographies and reference works

History of technology and manufactures

Social history: social problems, social reform movements, benevolent organizations

Canadian national and local history

Immigration, emigration, and colonization

Wisconsin history, including all aspects of political, economic, and social history

Communications, transportation, business and finance history


Women's history

Constitutional history, government and public administration

 Labor history


Discovery and exploration

Local history of all states and regions


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