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Best Practices for the Management of Historical Records | Wisconsin Historical Society

Guide or Instruction

Best Practices for the Management of Historical Records

Compiled by the Wisconsin Historical Records Advisory Board

Best Practices for the Management of Historical Records | Wisconsin Historical Society

In 1998, with a grant from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC), the Wisconsin Historical Records Advisory Board (WHRAB) conducted the Best Practices Project. This project strengthened partnerships between the WHRAB and three statewide organizations of records creators and keepers. Project staff worked together to create a usable package of information about the management of historical records.

Project Outcomes

  • Critical needs for information on historical records management were identified for the following organizations: Wisconsin Council for Local History (WCLH), the Wisconsin Association of Public Librarians (WAPL), and the Registers in Probate Association (RIPA).
  • Guidelines of best practices were compiled using existing literature and input from task force members.
  • Three workshops were held. Each organization received a curriculum packet to teach additional workshops after the project’s conclusion.

Project Manuals and Curriculum Packets

The Best Practices Project created these manuals of best archival practices and accompanying curriculum packets. These manuals and the curriculum packets can be used by organizations to educate their own members.

  1. Wisconsin Association of Public Librarians (WAPL)
  2. Registers in Probate Association (RIPA)
  3. Wisconsin Council for Local History (WCLH)

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Have Questions?

For more information please contact Assistant State Archivist and WHRAB Deputy Coordinator, Abbie Norderhaug, by phone at 608-264-6478 or by email below: