Teaching Materials for Indian Nations of Wisconsin | Wisconsin Historical Society

Classroom Material

Indian Nations of Wisconsin, 2nd Edition

Teaching Materials

Teaching Materials for Indian Nations of Wisconsin | Wisconsin Historical Society

Grade level: Secondary

Duration: More than one class period

Cover to Indian Nations of Wisconsin 2nd Edition.

Revised for 2019, these teaching materials are intended for use with the 2nd edition of Patty Loew's seminal work "Indian Nations of Wisconsin." Designed exclusively for educators in the secondary classroom, each chapter is presented through the lens of the "Understanding by Design" lesson plan framework. In addition, these materials have been aligned with both Wisconsin's Social Studies Standards (2019) and the Common Core State Standards for Literacy in All Subjects.

The PDF (download below) includes discussion questions, educational goal assessments, and suggested performace tasks and can be used by educators as a tool for reaching and exceeding Act 31 American Indian Studies education requirements.

Resource Materials


This lesson was developed by Education Services of the Wisconsin Historical Society for the secondary-level classroom. Please adapt it to fit your students' needs.