Chromebook-optimized textbook | Wisconsin Historical Society

Guide or Instruction

Chromebook-optimized textbook

Chromebook-optimized textbook | Wisconsin Historical Society

This guide describes the design and features of the Chromebook-optimized digital version of the textbook Wisconsin: Our State, Our Story. This version is recommended for districts that use Chromebooks because it allows students to increase the size of the text and includes larger images that can be viewed in greater detail. While this version is primarily recommended for Chromebooks, it can also be used on iPads and other tablets with small screens.


The design of the Chromebook-optimized version is simpler than the print version of the textbook. Images are larger, and less text appears on each screen. Here is an example:

Screenshot of the digital textbook with an image of a rock carving on the left and text on the right.



The amount of content that appears onscreen will automatically change based on the device’s screen size and the size of the browser window. The following is an example of how the screenshot above would look after the browser window has been minimized:

Screenshot of digital textbook displaying a single paragraph of text and no images.



Students can change the size and style of the font by choosing the “Aa” symbol in the blue navigation bar. This allows each student to choose the text size that will be the most readable to them:

Screenshot of digital textbook showing a window to choose the style and font size.



Making the font larger will automatically reduce the amount of text that appears onscreen. The following is how the original screenshot looks after the font size has been increased:

Screenshot of digital textbook displaying a paragraph of text in large font.



Images and Captions

The Chromebook-optimized version has reflowable text and images, which means that segments of text and/or images that do not fit on the screen will automatically be pushed onto the next. Because of this, a header may appear on one screen while the corresponding body text is pushed to the next. Or, as in the following screenshot, a caption may appear on one screen and its corresponding image pushed onto the next. To make it easier for students to understand the image they will see next, captions appear before images:

Screenshot of digital textbook with two columns of text. Body text is in Roman, while a caption at the bottom right is in italics.



The italicized caption on the right in the screenshot above corresponds to the image of the sampler shown on the next screen (see screenshot below):

Screenshot of digital textbook showing image of a sampler on the left and text on the right of the screen.



Table of Contents

Choosing the bullet-list button in the blue navigation bar will open an interactive table of contents with links that allow students to skip straight to certain chapters and sections. This allows students to easily navigate to specific sections without clicking through multiple screens:

Screenshot of digital textbook showing blue box on left with Table of Contents links and a paragraph of text on the right.



Key word interactivity

Key words are underlined. When students tap or click on the underlined word, they will be taken to a glossary screen. Tapping or clicking on the word in the glossary will return the student to the page where the word first appeared.

Screenshot of digital textbook with image of a rag doll on the left and text on the right. The words 'decades,' 'British,' and 'forts' are underlined with blue dots.


 Screenshot of a glossary page from the digital textbook, with two columns of words followed by their definitions.