Teach Wisconsin Civics with "Voices and Votes" | Wisconsin Historical Society

Classroom Material

Teach Wisconsin Civics with "Voices and Votes"

Teach civics in your 4th or 5th grade classroom with "Voices and Votes" from the Wisconsin Historical Society Press

Teach Wisconsin Civics with "Voices and Votes" | Wisconsin Historical Society


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Voices and Votes: How Democracy Works in Wisconsin weaves together Wisconsin history and civics for a comprehensive overview of democracy in our state. Chapters cover:

  • Federal, state, tribal, and local government
  • The Wisconsin Constitution
  • What government does for us
  • A history of voters in Wisconsin
  • Political parties and elections
  • Stories of Wisconsin kids who found ways to engage with their local governments and make their voices heard

“By showcasing Wisconsin students working for positive change in their communities, Voices & Votes demonstrates how citizenship education activities can take students out of the classroom and into the community as engaged citizens.” –Former State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Elizabeth Burmaster

This book is currently only available as an ebook. 

  • ISBN: 978-0-87020-557-6
  • Price: $12.99

To purchase copies of the ebook for your school or classroom, follow the instructions at https://wisconsinhistory.org/records/Article/CS16673#schools.

Download a free teacher's guide that accompanies the book here.


Want more Wisconsin civics resources?

These compelling biographies will give your students an in-depth look at the contributions that two of Wisconsin’s most famous political leaders made to our state and the nation: 

  • Belle and Bob La Follette: Partners in Politics by Bob Kann
  • Gaylord Nelson: Champion for Our Earth by Sheila Terman Cohen

Cover images of two books: Belle and Bob La Follette and Gaylord Nelson