Tomah [origin of place name] | Wisconsin Historical Society

Historical Essay

Tomah [origin of place name]

Tomah [origin of place name] | Wisconsin Historical Society
Dictionary of Wisconsin History.

Explanation 1: The city of Tomah was named from Thomas Carron, or Tomah, which is the French pronunciation of Thomas. Explanation 2: "Tomah was the name of a 'great good Indian.'" Explanation 3: "Named for the Menomonee Chief Thomas Carron, whose name in French was pronounced Tomah." For more on this famous Menominee Indian leader, view his own entry in the Dictionary/

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[Source: Explanation 1: Richard's History of Monroe County, p. 333.Explanation 2: Green Lake, Marquette, and Waushara Co., p. 201.Explanation 3: Deerfield Independent, 7 Sept. 1961.]