Iroquois Wars of the 17th Century

Within a generation of Columbus, the French had penetrated the St. Lawrence River and pointed their ships toward the interior. By 1630 they had built settlements at Quebec and Montreal, where they could easily communicate and trade with the Huron, Ottawa, and Ojibwe Indians around the Great Lakes. At the same time, the English and Dutch settled New England and New York, where they could easily communicate and trade with the nations of the Iroquois Confederacy via the Hudson River. In the 1640s, the Dutch demand for furs prompted the Iroquois to invade the rich fur-supplying territories to their north... more...

Original Documents and Other Primary Sources

Link to book: Jesuit missionaries describe the aftermath of Iroquois attacks.Jesuit missionaries describe the aftermath of Iroquois attacks.
Link to book: A priest journeys to a Wisconsin village of exiled Hurons in 1661.A priest journeys to a Wisconsin village of exiled Hurons in 1661.
Link to images: Iroquois warriors attack their enemies while huntingIroquois warriors attack their enemies while hunting
Link to images: Iroquois warriors ambush French troops in 1687.Iroquois warriors ambush French troops in 1687.