View of Charles de Langlade's warriors at Braddock's defeat in 1755.

Defeat of General Braddock

Artist Edwin W. Deming was commissioned by the Wisconsin Historical Society in 1903 to paint this picture, which represents the critical moment on July 9, 1755, when Charles de Langlade, the Green Bay fur-trader, arrived on the scene with Wisconsin Indians and helped the French defeat the British at modern Pittsburgh. Langlade is in the left foreground directing the attack, and around him are the Indians from Wisconsin and Michigan, firing upon British redcoats and colonial militia. Braddock is falling from his horse, the bridle of which is being caught by young Major George Washington of the general's staff.

Langlade described the battle to his grandson, Augustin Grignon, whose account is given here, in Wisconsin Historical Collections, vol. 3, pp. 213-216.

Related Topics: Explorers, Traders, and Settlers
Colonialism Transforms Indian Life
Creator: Deming, Edwin Willard, 1860-1942
Pub Data: Original oil painting in the Wisconsin Historical Museum
Citation: Deming, Edwin Willard. "Defeat of General Braddock." Oil painting, 1903, in the Wisconsin Historical Museum. Online facsimile at:; Visited on: 4/26/2024