A parent's guide to model academic standards (1999)

A parent's guide to standards and assessment

The Wisconsin Council on Academic Standards was enacted in 1997 by Governor Tommy Thompson. Designed to set high academic benchmarks across school subjects, the Model Academic Standards (formally adopted in 1998) described the skills children should know by the end of grades 4, 8, and 12. This booklet explains the main points of the program to parents and offers suggestions for ways they can get involved in improving their child's education.

Related Topics: Wisconsin's Response to 20th-century change
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Creator: Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
Pub Data: [Madison, Wis.?] : Wisconsin Dept. of Public Instruction, [1999]. ( ED.9/4:S 72/1999-)
Citation: Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. "A parent's guide to standards and assessment." ([Madison, Wis.?] : Wisconsin Dept. of Public Instruction, [1999]); online facsimile at http://www.wisconsinhistory.org/turningpoints/search.asp?id=1518 Online facsimile at:  http://wisconsinhistory.org/turningpoints/search.asp?id=1518; Visited on: 4/26/2024