A visit to the home of Victor and Meta Berger in 1906

Hello, Wisconsin!

William Evjue, long-time editor and publisher of Madison's Capital Times newspaper, wrote this recollection following Meta Berger's death in June of 1944. He recalls his visit to their home as a young reporter in 1906, and outlines their careers in the decades that followed. Scroll to the bottom of the screen to locate the start of this 3-page reminiscence.

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Creator: Evjue, William Theodore, 1882 - 1970
Pub Data: Capital Times, 18 June 1944.
Citation: Evjue, William T. "Hello, Wisconsin!" Capital Times, 18 June 1944. Online facsimile at:  http://wisconsinhistory.org/turningpoints/search.asp?id=1093; Visited on: 4/26/2024