Outdoor group portrait of the Gogebic Range iron miners, 1886

Gogebic Range Miners (1886)

This photograph shows a group of laborers who worked for mine owner John E. Burton, standing in a camp in north woods at the time of the great iron boom of the mid-1880's.

Related Topics: Mining, Logging, and Agriculture
Mining in Northern Wisconsin
Creator: Burton, John E.
Pub Data: Unpublished photograph from the John E. Burton collection (Milwaukee SC 190) in the Wisconsin Historical Society visual materials collection
Citation: "Gogebic Range Miners (1886)." Unpublished photograph from the John E. Burton collection (Milwaukee SC 190) in the Wisconsin Historical Society visual materials collection. Online facsimile at:  http://wisconsinhistory.org/turningpoints/search.asp?id=701; Visited on: 4/25/2024