Northwoods officials try to attract settlers onto cutover lands, 1902.

Burnett County, Wisconsin : a pamphlet descriptive of Northern Wisconsin in general and of Burnett County in detail

Many towns and counties in Wisconsin produced pamphlets and guides to encourage settlement and business in their particular area. Edward L. Peet compiled this pamphlet on Burnett County in 1902, in an attempt to attract settlers to the cutover lands of Northern Wisconsin.

Related Topics: Immigration and Settlement
19th-Century Immigration
Creator: Peet, Edward L.
Pub Data: Grantsburg, Wis. : The Journal of Burnett County Print, 1902.
Citation: Peet, Ed L. "Burnett County, Wisconsin : a pamphlet descriptive of Northern Wisconsin in general and of Burnett County in detail." (Grantsburg, Wis. : The Journal of Burnett County Print, 1902). Online facsimile at:; Visited on: 4/23/2024