What Republicans stood for in 1860.

Republican nominations: speech of Carl Schurz, at the Milwaukee ratification meeting, on Wednesday evening, May 30, 1860

Schurz, a leader of the Wisconsin Republicans, describes in this speech how he and other Wisconsin representatives conducted themselves at the recent convention that nominated Abraham Lincoln as its candidate for president. He explains why they initially supported William Seward but came around to Lincoln, and how the Republican Party's platform compared to those of its two main opponents.

Related Topics: Wisconsin in the Civil War Era
Wisconsin and the Republican Party
Creator: Schurz, Carl, 1829-1906.
Pub Data: Albany, N.Y.: The Evening Journal?, 1860 (Pamphlet 53-1437a in the Wisconsin Historical Society Library).
Citation: Schurz, Carl. Republican nominations: speech of Carl Schurz, at the Milwaukee ratification meeting, on Wednesday evening, May 30, 1860. (Albany, N.Y.: The Evening Journal?, 1860). Online facsimile at:  http://wisconsinhistory.org/turningpoints/search.asp?id=683; Visited on: 4/19/2024