Wisconsin's first Territorial Governor, Henry Dodge

Henry Dodge

Born in Indiana, Henry Dodge came to Wisconsin in 1827. Dodge took a prominent part in the Black Hawk War of 1832 as Colonel of the Iowa County militia, and was the first Territorial governor of Wisconsin. He would go on to serve as a delegate to Congress and U.S. Senator. This oil portrait was painted in 1857 by William F. Cogswell (1819-1903) from a photograph.

Related Topics: Territory to Statehood
Early U.S. Settlement
The Black Hawk War
The Creation of Wisconsin Territory
Lead Mining in Southwestern Wisconsin
Creator: Cogswell, William F.
Pub Data: Wisconsin Historical Society
Citation: Cogswell, William F. "Henry Dodge." Oil painting in the Wisconsin Historical Museum. Online facsimile at:  http://wisconsinhistory.org/turningpoints/search.asp?id=643; Visited on: 4/20/2024