Nicolet's 1634 landfall in Wisconsin (1904)

Landfall of Jean Nicolet in Wisconsin

In 1904, Edwin Willard Deming was commissioned by the Wisconsin Historical Society to depict the arrival of French explorer Jean Nicolet in 1634. Nicolet, believed to be the first European to see Wisconsin, landed in the area of present-day Green Bay. Deming's painting was chosen in 1934 as the illustration for a U.S. postage stamp commemorating the 300th anniversary of the landfall.

Related Topics: Explorers, Traders, and Settlers
Arrival of the First Europeans
Creator: Deming, Edwin Willard
Pub Data: Original oil painting in the Wisconsin Historical Museum
Citation: Deming, Edwin Willard. "Landfall of Jean Nicolet in Wisconsin" (oil painting in the Wisconsin Historical Museum); Online facsimile at:; Visited on: 4/25/2024