The sports and games of Indians

Indian Games: an historical research

Using passages from the journals, letters, and diaries of early white explorers, Andrew McFarland Davis attempts to construct a history and description of some of the sports and games played by Indians. Although lacrosse is perhaps the most well-known, Davis describes a number of other games, including platter, straw, and a kind of football played with a deer-skin ball.

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Creator: Davis, Andrew McFarland
Pub Data: Salem, Mass.: Salem Press, 1886. reprint. Originally published in the Bulletin of the Essex Institute, Vol. XVII, page 89. (pamphlet 52-466)
Citation: Davis, Andrew McFarland. "Indian Games: an historical research." reprint. (Salem, Mass.: Salem Press, 1886). Online facsimile at:; Visited on: 4/24/2024