A popular French map of the Great Lakes in 1757.

Carte des Lacs du Canada

As the offical cartographer of the French government, Jacques Bellin (1703-1772) made hundreds of maps, including dozens for Antoine François Prévost (1697-1763). Prevost's Histoire Générale des Voyages took more than 40 years to produce (1746-1789), and appeared in a deluxe edition of 20 large quarto volumes and a popular edition of 80 pocket-sized ones (from which this small map is taken). Apart from its imaginary islands in Lake Superior, this map shows the Great Lakes with reasonable accuracy on the eve of the British conquest in 1760. Click the "Zoom & Pan" button to examine it in more detail.

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Creator: Bellin, Jacques Nicolas, 1703-1772.
Pub Data: In: Histoire generale des voyages, ou, Nouvelle collection de toutes les relations de voyages par mer et par terre... (Paris: Chez Didot, 1748-1789), vol. 56
Citation: Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. "Carte des Lacs du Canada" in Prevost, A.F., Histoire generale des voyages ... (Paris: Chez Didot, 1748-1789), vol. 56. Online facsimile at:  http://wisconsinhistory.org/turningpoints/search.asp?id=104; Visited on: 4/25/2024