What girls need to know to contribute to society in 1913

The education of the girl : the necessity of fitting her education to her life

The Stout Institute (today's UW-Stout) was formed in 1908 out of the various programs of the Stout Manual Training Schools to provide industrial and educational training to young men and women. In 1912, L.D. Harvey, president of the school, presented this paper on the training and education that was necessary for girls, like boys, to become productive members of a rapidly changing society.

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Creator: Harvey, Lorenzo Dow
Pub Data: Madison : Wisconsin State Board of Industrial Education, 1912. Harvard University Library.
Citation: Harvey, Lorenzo Dow. "The education of the girl : the necessity of fitting her education to her life." (Madison : Wisconsin State Board of Industrial Education, 1912); Online facsimile at:  http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:FHCL:476756; Visited on: 4/25/2024