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Map or Atlas

Partie Orientale de la Nouvelle France ou du Canada avec l'Isle de Terre-Neuve et de Nouvelle Escosse, Acadie et Nouv. Angleterre avec Fleuve de St. Laurence

Date: 1759
Description: Map of north eastern Canada and parts of New England, showing settlements, cities, portages, Native American land, mountains, lakes, and rivers. The unusua...
Map or Atlas

North America: Drawn & Engraved from the Best Maps & Charts

Date: 1770
Description: Map of North America showing the boundaries between French, Spanish, and English claims after the French and Indian War. Kitchin includes numerous place na...
Map or Atlas

A Map of the British & French Plantations in North America

Date: 1755
Description: Map of the northeastern portion of America and Canada, east of the Hudson River and south from Labrador. It names regions, colonies, cities, numerous forts...
Map or Atlas

North America

Date: 1796
Description: An interesting depiction of North America from the North Pole to the beginning of South America. The continent appears elongated. The map features numerous...
Map or Atlas

A General Map of North America: Drawn from the Best Surveys

Date: 1794
Description: Map of North America showing cities, trading houses, Native American land, settlements, missions, mountains, lakes, and rivers, all in great detail. The ma...
Map or Atlas

Carte de l'Amérique Septentrionale, Depuis la Baye d'Hudson Jusqu'au Mississipi: Pour Servir aux Essais Historiques et Politiques sur la Révolution de Cette Partie du Monde

Date: 1782
Description: Map of America east of the Mississippi River. It shows regions, state boundaries extending to the Mississippi River, cities, forts, Native American lands, ...
Map or Atlas

Part of North America Containing Canada, the North Parts of New England and New York: With Nova Scotia and Newfoundland

Date: 11 24 1781
Description: Map showing New York, New England, and south eastern Canada. Boundaries, ports, and a few cities are shown, but the map focuses on regions, Native American...
Map or Atlas

A New and Correct Map of North America: In Which the Places of the Principal Engagements During the Present War are Accurately Inserted, and the Boundaries as Settled by Treaty in 1783 Clearly Marked

Date: 02 1783
Description: Map of the United States and one of the first to show the new boundaries created by the Preliminary Treaty signed on January 20, 1783. The former colonies ...
Map or Atlas

A General Map of North America from the Best Authorities

Date: 1790
Description: Map of North America showing cities, states, Native American land, regions, lakes, and rivers. A few notes appear throughout the map, particularly west of ...
Map or Atlas

A Chart of North and South America: Including the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, with the Nearest Coasts of Europe, Africa and Asia

Date: 1775
Description: This six sheet large format map is one of the most informative maps of its time. It shows cities, Native American land, lakes, rivers, mountains, topograph...
Map or Atlas

A Map of the British Empire in America with the French and Spanish Settlements Adjacent Thereto

Date: 1733
Description: This map of North America shows settlements, rivers, lakes, Native American land, trade winds, and numerous topographical features such as forests and moun...
Map or Atlas

America Septentrionalis Concinnata Juxta Observationes Dñn Academiae Regalis Scientiarum: et Nonnullorum Aliorum, et Juxta Annotationes Recentissimas

Date: 1760
Description: Map of North America based upon the cartographic work of de L'Isle. It shows cities, regions, lakes, rivers, Native American land, mountains, islands, and ...
Map or Atlas

Amerique Septentrionale: Divisée en ses Principales Parties, ou Sont Distingués les vns des Autres les Estats Suivant Qu'ils Appartiennent Presentemẽt aux François, Castillans, Anglois, Suedois, Danois, Hollandois

Date: 1719
Description: Map of North America showing land divisions between France, Spain, England, Sweden, Denmark and Holland. The map is detailed, labeling cities, forts, islan...
Map or Atlas

Carte de la Nouvelle France: òu se Voit le Cours des Grandes Rivieres de S. Laurens & de Mississipi Aujour d'hui S. Louis

Date: 1719
Description: This extremely detailed and ornate map shows the cities, Native American land, mountains, lakes, rivers, and European claims of North America. An inset map...
Map or Atlas

Carte Nouvelle de la Louisiane, et de la Rivière de Missisipi, Découverte par feu Mr. de la Salle

Date: 1713
Description: Map showing the regions explored by Robert de La Salle between 1681 and 1686, as well as the route La Salle, and later Henri Joutel, took, moving north fro...
Map or Atlas

North America: Corrected from the Observation Communicated to the Royal Society at London and the Royal Academy at Paris

Date: 1710
Description: Map of North America showing the European claims, Native American land and villages, rivers, lakes, cities, and notes on explorers, discoveries, and topogr...
Map or Atlas

Le Canada, ou Nouvelle France: La Floride, la Virginie, Pensilvanie, Caroline, Nouvelle Angleterre et Nouvelle Yorck, l'Isle de Terre Neuve, la Louisiane, et le Cours de la Riviere de Misisipi

Date: 1705
Description: Map of America east of the Mississippi River showing boundaries, rivers, portages, forts, cities, villages, and Native American land. Annotations on early ...
Map or Atlas

A Map of the Whole Continent of America: Particularly Shewing the British Empire in the Northern Part of America, with the Divisions of the New Governments since the Accession of Canada and Florida

Date: 1780
Description: Map of North and South America, showing the boundaries of colonial territories, cities, settlements, rivers, lakes, and Native American land. Particular em...
Map or Atlas

Amérique ou Nouveau Continent Dressée sur les Nouvelles Rélations Découvertes et Observations

Date: 1759
Description: Map of North and South America showing regions, colonies, cities and settlements, rivers, lakes, and Native American land. Near the bottom left an inset ma...
Map or Atlas

A Map of the New Continent According to its Greatest Diametrical Length from the River la Plata to Beyond the Lake of the Assiniboils

Date: 1780
Description: This map portrays North and South America at a very unusual angle, with north oriented towards the upper right corner. Colonies, Native American land, a fe...

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